s-X-AIPI partners met in Dusseldorf, Germany
The s-X-AIPI M18 Internal Periodic Meeting brought project partners together in Dusseldorf, Germany, on October 4th and 5th to meet and review the research progress and scientific developments of the previous months and discuss the next steps. One of the project partners, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH (BFI), kindly hosted the meeting on their premises.
Having reached the mid-point of its three-year lifetime, s-X-AIPI is well on the way to accomplishing its objectives and delivering profoundly significant results. Partners involved in the s-X-AIPI use cases have already been working on their AI Data Pipelines to carry out activities in terms of data ingestion, data exploration, and data transformation. These activities are being conducted with Data-At-Rest in certain use cases, while others involve Data-In-Motion. The initial model training tasks, which encompass different AI algorithms, are also in full swing, while basic and preliminary dashboards and user interfaces, primarily designed for labeling purposes, have been defined (or even created in some cases) for the four use cases. These interfaces are poised to play a crucial role in streamlining the AI data processing workflow.
In a bid to enhance the project's capabilities, all use cases have begun transmitting metadata for the self-X AI methods. This information is integral to the Autonomic Manager, enabling it to trigger the relevant actions. The transmission process relies on interaction with the deployed FIWARE-based Orion Context Broker via NGSI-LD (FIWARE information model). Initial tests with the context broker have already been performed across the four use cases.
Beyond that, an analysis of the Autonomic Manager's rule-based engine is currently in progress. The design and preliminary development are underway in the cloud, marking another significant step toward realizing the project's objectives.
During the meeting, there was substantial discussion about the human-in-the-loop (HITL) concept and its requirements. A preliminary analysis of commonalities within User Interface requirements for different use cases has been proposed. These discussions are ongoing, with completion and alignment expected in the coming weeks and months.
Finally, transversal activities were thoroughly discussed, including the exploitation strategy, standardization activities, and dissemination and communication strategies.
In addition to the productive sessions, the two-day gathering included a stroll around the historical center of the town and enjoying typical German dinner.
It was a pleasure to connect with all partners in person, and we look forward to the next team gathering in January!