Join us in Valencia for the EBDVF2023!
The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF2023), the annual flagship event of BDVA, bringing together the European data-driven AI research and innovation community to share knowledge, collaborate and celebrate achievements is being held this year from 25-27 October in Valencia, Spain.
At this year’s conference, s-X-AIPI together with Circular TwAIn and AIDEAS research projects will organize a special session on “AI for a more sustainable and circular EU Manufacturing and Process Industry” on 26th October 2023 at 16:45 - 17:45 CET in room 4F of the Feria Valencia venue.
If you are attending the event, hear from s-X-AIPI’s:
Daniel Gómez, project coordinator from the Industrial and Digital Systems Division of CARTIF Technology Center
Aníbal Reñones, Head of Unit of Industry 4.0 Area at the Industrial and Digital Systems Division of CARTIF Technology Center
about “AI in process industry and s-x-AIPI project”. Nikos Kyriakoulis and Lida Theodorou both from CORE Innovation Centre, will also attend the event representing s-X-AIPI Project.
Other exciting presentations of this session include “AI in machinery industry and AIDEAS project” and “The role of AI in Circular Manufacturing networks, focusing on electric cars’ Batteries de- and re-manufacturing”.
Save the date and discover more details here!