Successful kick-off of the CEN Workshop
The CEN Workshop on "Reference Architecture for AI Solutions' Application within Process Industry" officially launched on February 14, 2025. This strategic initiative will establish a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) standard which will define a robust framework for implementing AI-enabled self-X technologies in process industries.
Key Highlights from the Kickoff Meeting
The workshop began with insightful presentations from leading experts:
Claire Van Thielen (CCMC) – Made an introduction to the CEN/CENELEC Workshop concept.
Daniel Gómez Martín (CARTIF) – The s-X-AIPI project coordinator provided an overview and the objectives of the s-X-AIPI project.
Amanda Suo (UNE) – Delivered a presentation of the Workshop Project Plan.
Mattia Giuseppe Marzano, Marta Calderaro, Sabrina Verardi (ENGINEERING Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.) – Strongly contributed to the discussion on the draft CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) as technical experts.
Bringing together professionals from various sectors including research institutions, industry leaders, standards organizations, end-users and public administrations, the initiative aims at:
Developing a standardized Reference Architecture for AI integration
Promoting advanced autonomic management systems
Facilitating adoption of innovative, standards-compliant AI solutions via Reference Architectures
Sharing real-world implementation experiences
The workshop was chaired by Daniel Gómez while Amanda Suo is the workshop secretary. Technical design was handled by Mattia Marzano, Marta Calderaro, and Sabrina Verardi as technical experts.
The CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) will be a crucial step in translating cutting-edge research into practical, industry-ready solutions. It incorporates the MAPE-K methodology and builds upon established frameworks like RAMI 4.0 and IIRA.
Draft CWA open for public comment
The workshop’s participants have agreed on the first draft of the CWA. A public commenting phase on the draft CWA is currently running for a period of 30 days, closing on March 19. Comments can be submitted to the workshop secretary, Ms Amanda Suo (, using the relevant commenting forms.
The comments received will be considered by the workshop participants before its publication.
Interested in following our progress or learning more? Contact: Amanda Suo (
Browse Workshop presentation
Download Draft CWA
Download the Commenting form